We open doors for women-owned suppliers.


The U.S. Women's Chamber of Commerce supports women-owned suppliers by providing four highly regarded women-owned business certifications.

Federal: WOSB

The Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB) Federal Contract Program allows set-asides for WOSBs in industries where firms are underrepresented. WOSBs must be at least 51% owned and controlled by women.
The U.S. Women's Chamber of Commerce is an Approved 3rd Party Certifier for the WOSB program.
Start the WOSB Certification application process.

Federal: EDWOSB

Economically Disadvantaged Women-Owned Small Business (EDWOSB) is a subset of WOSB. To qualify as EDWOSB, a business must meet all the requirements for a WOSB and demonstrate that its owners and/or managers are economically disadvantaged.
The U.S. Women's Chamber of Commerce is an Approved 3rd Party Certifier for the WOSB program.
Start the EDWOSB Certification application process.

Annual Re-Certification

The federal government requires both WOSB and EDWOSB certified firms to re-certify their status annually. The U.S. Women's Chamber of Commerce has a specific re-certification process. 
Start WOSB Re-Certification.
Start EDWOSB Re-Certification.

National Women's Business Enterprise

This highly respected USWCC | National Women's Business Enterprise (NWBE) certification is provided for firms seeking supplier opportunities with large corporations, B2B, and supply chain. Women-owned firms and individuals also utilize this certification when selecting partnership relationships and when seeking to purchase from a women-owned business.
Start the NWBE Certification application process.
Start the NWBE Re-Certification application process.

International Women's
Business Enterprise

This highly respected USWCC | International Women's Business Enterprise (IWBE) is provided for firms seeking supplier opportunities with large corporations, B2B, and supply chain emphasizing your International capabilities. Women-owned firms and individuals also utilize this certification when selecting international partnership relationships and when seeking to purchase from a women-owned business.
Start the IWBE Certification application process.
Start the IWBE Re-Certification application process.

Information & Assistance

We provide quality support services for certification applicants and those considering certification. Read our FAQ's and get additional support here.

Reputation. Value.

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The independent force advancing women’s economic priorities.